Screenplays Tim Buttner Screenplays Tim Buttner

The Art of Corporate Espionage

The world of spies isn’t what you’d think amongst the corporate elite. To them it is a game of staying ahead of the competition in order to maximize profit and enterprise. Brad is a pompous young corporate spy looking to move to the top of his class. Only he’s in for a surprise.

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Screenplays Tim Buttner Screenplays Tim Buttner

Silent Moon

Love conquers all. It is universal and transcends all species. In the darkest of times you'll always have your beloved... even at the end of the world.

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Screenplays Tim Buttner Screenplays Tim Buttner

Open Book

After a violent altercation, a young man struggles with hallucinations induced by medication as he confronts the reality of his traumatic past and fights to distinguish between what is real and what is a product of his mind.

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Essays, Analytical Writing Tim Buttner Essays, Analytical Writing Tim Buttner

From the 19th Century into the 21st Stereoscopic Images are a Home Commodity

The Nineteenth-Century proved to be one of great technological advances, whether it was in industry, transportation, or home entertainment. There were many means of entertainment during this century; the theater, vaudeville, the opera, the symphony, art museums, etc., however most of these were experiences that one had to travel away from home in order to experience. Not the case when one chose to stay at home with a good book, or play a game of chess with their kids. Half a century before people showed up in droves at movie theaters to see moving pictures they were able to see and own photographs in their home… and many were stereoscopic photographs. The demand for stereoscopic photographs was high in the period between 1851-1930. The occupation of stereoscopic photographer was held by amateurs and professionals alike, which made the domestic life of any person who sought to be successful in this career worthwhile.

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Short Stories Tim Buttner Short Stories Tim Buttner

Flash Game - Dethroning the King

Cameron bounces the purple gym ball twice, and glances left to right at his opponents. They are playing in a parking lot, behind a large brick building that's one story tall, except for on the hill it spans onto where it grows into two stories. He picks out where he'd like to place it, so he bounces a third time. At the top of its bounce Cameron smacks it down into the opposite square with full force—

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Short Stories Tim Buttner Short Stories Tim Buttner

Lonely Morning

Gabrielle raised her silky arm above the water and back down, lifting the other above. Her swim was an elegant dance; a ballet performed in the early morning when the mist still crept off the silvery surface of the pond. She was bare in the cool water just as nature intended all mammals of the forest. She could see the silhouettes of the antelope grazing on the hill not far from the pond. The sun slowly crept up from behind that hill. Ducks and geese played in the water opposite Gabrielle, and she dove under when they dove. When she reemerged her curly black hair was as straight as a horses tail, and it hung off her perfect neckline down to her shoulders to float in the water with her. She swam to the pond's edge.

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Short Stories Tim Buttner Short Stories Tim Buttner

Kiss of Death

Even in this light I could see that my thumb was swelling purple. I glanced at Margaret, who held a broken piece of wood in one hand. It hung there, swaying back and forth. It's splinters frosting by the second. She dropped it to the ground, and took a seat on a chilled piece of meat. Although the room was getting colder with each tick of the clock, her blood must have been boiling like a thousand degree volcano in that moment.

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Short Stories Tim Buttner Short Stories Tim Buttner

No One Believed Her

No one believed her. And why should they have? They called her mad after the incident. Or, at least, they called it an incident despite no one bearing witness. Maybe it's best to start before then.

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Screenplays Tim Buttner Screenplays Tim Buttner


A young man, Fredrick, and his sister, Denise, navigate their intertwined lives amidst the backdrop of a bustling wine shop. As Fredrick contemplates his future and Denise explores her passions, their sibling bond is tested by love, ambition, and the unexpected twists of fate.

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Essays, Analytical Writing Tim Buttner Essays, Analytical Writing Tim Buttner

From Page to Screen | Realism to Neorealism

From the time that audiences were shown a black and white motion picture of a train pulling into a train station, and tried to flee the theater for fear that they would be run over by it, film has used realistic elements to stimulate audiences to care about the characters and the plot they are entangled in. Actors and actresses, whose pretty faces shined bright in front of the many eyes of the world's populace, played these characters but they never uttered an audible word. Then sound was added and playwrights, who had been influenced by the realism and naturalism movement in the mid-nineteenth-century, were brought in to make the dialogue naturalistic, and actors had to find their voices. When certain people thought that "talkies" would never catch on, they were proven wrong, just like later when those who thought that color would never become mainstream were. With color, and a wider screen size for a field of view more akin to human eyes, audiences were able to experience movies as if they were real events happening in front of their very eyes. For the last century film has sought to achieve realism in the technical aspects, with 3D being the next evolutionary step, and beyond the technical with regards to the narrative.

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Analytical Writing, Essays Tim Buttner Analytical Writing, Essays Tim Buttner

Good Strong Men Should Always Avoid Duplicitous Femme Fatales in Film Noir

A deliciously stunning blonde is something to beware. Unlike the dumb blond jokes told so often at the work place, in the realm of film noir a blonde is not to be taken so lightly. That cunning brain will play dem looks to her advantage, coyly showing weakness and big watery eyes. It's the cynical, in over his head protagonist who'll get caught up in whatever scheme she's cooked up, and generally take the fall for her. Disillusioned because of a tarnished past, or perhaps obsessive sexual desire the hero clamors his way through a tight dark place to barely come out surviving, and ultimately losing.

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Short Stories Tim Buttner Short Stories Tim Buttner

Siren Fatale

I always figured that the plan was flawed. It was clear from the beginning that someone would want a bigger piece of the pie than they could eat. When you assemble a team of criminals, you are dealing with… well criminals. By nature they are untrustworthy. I should have seen this coming. Why had I not? Perhaps it was because of the broad.

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